异乡人 (The Outsiders)
Group project including Elizabet Aleksandrova (Me), Claudia Morgagni, Iwo Tuleya.
Key concerns: What does it mean to be Chinese? Is it possible to maintain Chinese identity outside China? What makes a Chinatown?
Methods: interview, historical research (reading documents and scientific articles, photos archive) -> documentary Project aims: to make their stories heard and make forgotten history alive since a lot of people do not know about it. Get people more aware of the Oriental culture that is really not known by Occidental. Try to answer the question: what does it mean to be a migrant? How to remain oneself in a foreign environment
异乡人 (Yì Xiāng Rén) - The Outsiders
Key Concerns: 异乡人 (Yì Xiāng Rén) - The Outsiders is a documentary that delves into three central questions: ◊ What does it mean to be Chinese outside China? ◊ Is it possible to preserve one’s cultural identity amidst displacement and integration? ◊ What defines a “Chinatown,” and how does it evolve in a multicultural urban setting?
Watch the full documentary here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?si=f_Y9gfcA-ne1BD0b&v=hBUCevbaWv8&feature=youtu.be